4t2 - Tuva Baby Set - Tete - Sims

4t2 - Tuva Baby Set

março 12, 2025

Roxana's suggestion

4t2 - Tuva Baby Set

The file is compressed and contains:
21 meshes;
there are 25 rcs;
1 collection file;
3 previews of objects;
1 preview of the edited and retextured clothes on the dresser;
1 preview of the collection;
2 text documents informing the number of polygons (decoratives and functional);
1 text document stating which objects are shiftable;
1 PSD file format for those who want to recolor the maxis clothes;
1 text document informing about where to find the objects.

Functional Objects:
Dresser (The right drawer opens and has 11 slots);
Ground Hehgehog Lamp;
Toy Giraffe;
Tree Wall Shelf (has 9 slots);
Wall Shelf (has 5 slots).

Obs.1: Originally the crib wouldn't fit the newborn and the baby, so it was necessary to edit it,
making it a little bigger, I also used the mesh from the "tinydreamers_crib2" mattress from kestrelteens
and the eulolita texture used to recolor Maxis bedding texture.

Obs.2: I edited the dresser's maxis clothing mesh and retextured it.

Decorative Objects:
Baby Body;
Baby Hoodie;
Baby Pant;
Baby Toy;
Crib Cover;
Diaper Bag;
Folded Clothes;

Roxana for editing the crib texture.

Credits: Meshes & Textures by PinkBox-AnYe, crib mattress mesh by Kestrelteens &
Maxis bedding texture by EuLolita

The original file is on the Patreon (Part1, Part2, Part3)

Download on SFS / Patreon (Free)

Please, contact me if you have any problems.

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